

The course of a pandemic – epidemiological statistics in times of (describing) a crisis, pt. 2

A few weeks into the pandemic, the RKI switched its main reporting indicator from the absolute case numbers to the time dependent case reproduction number R(t). R(t) represents the number of unaffected persons that are infected by an index case.

The course of a pandemic – epidemiological statistics in times of (describing) a crisis, pt. 1

Throughout the current Corona pandemic, epidemiological statistics are widely used in everyday life to an unprecedented rate. Various media use different indicators for all kinds of purposes, be it the honest attempt to objectively communicate the risk associated with SARS-CoV-2, or in order to up- or downplay the mortality rates.

Clinical prediction models in the COVID-19 pandemic

Facing the world-wide spread of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) infections with hospitals overcharged and a shortage of medical equipment in several countries, diagnostic and prediction models might help to identify patients with COVID-19 and predict the likelihood of the disease outcome (e.g. severity of disease, recovery, death).

By |May 19th, 2020|Categories: 2 Cents on Medicine, Biostatistics|Tags: , , |

Investigator Initiated Trials (IIT)

Can they demonstrate scientific merits and align with corporate objectives? Often initiated by researchers or investigators as a part of an observation, an Investigator Initiated Trial (IIT) or Investigator Sponsored Trial is one of the kind of clinical trials that take up specific questions from clinical care, such as therapy optimization or off-label use, and are usually of no economic interest.

Move Closer to your Patients in order to Improve Recruitment

Digital solutions - such as online study portals – can bring patients, researchers, and industry closer together. Thereby, they can provide value to sponsors during the planning and patient recruitment stages of clinical trials or observational studies.

Standard Deviation and Standard Error – What is the Difference?

When studying results of scientific publications one usually comes across standard deviations (SD) and standard errors (SE). However, even both measures are widely used the difference between them is not always clear to the readers. This article aims to clarify some important points and to provide a deeper understanding of SD and SE.

By |May 27th, 2019|Categories: Biostatistics|Tags: , |
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