Use of large language models in clinical research (part 2)

This is a follow-up on our previous blog entry on large language models (LLMs) and first experiences using the publicly available chatbots, based on LLMs. It is worth noting that during creation of this blog post, the AI technology already advanced and an upgraded version of model GPT- 3.5 (on which ChatGPT was based) has become available (GPT-4).

Use of large language models in clinical research (part 1)

The importance of artificial intelligence (AI) and its potential impact on the workforce has entered the limelight in the last weeks of the year 2022. News outlets and internet websites reported on a groundbreaking achievement in AI: the development of chatbots based on large language models (LLMs) that can be used by the general public in an intuitive, conversational and user-friendly manner

Clinical trials: increasing the visibility of research with visual abstracts

Communication of scientific results to the public is a very important part of research. The new EU CTR also requires that the results are communicated to the general public in a language understandable to lay persons. Furthermore, social media provides great dissemination channels for researchers to attract readers.

2023-02-10T10:40:48+01:00February 15th, 2023|Categories: 2 Cents on Medicine|Tags: , , , , |

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in clinical research: transformation of clinical trials and status quo of regulations

Artificial Intelligence (AI) supported technologies play a crucial role in clinical research: For example, during the COVID-19 pandemic the Biotech Company BenevolentAI found through a machine-learning approach that the kinase inhibitor Baricitinib, commonly used to treat arthritis, could also improve COVID-19 outcomes.

EU CTR: How to write a good Lay Summary of clinical study results

Lay summaries are a display of clinical study results intended for study participants and the general public. The aim of a lay summary is not only to enhance understanding of complex medical information, but also to increase transparency in clinical research.

Electronic informed consent (eConsent) in clinical research in Europe: opportunities and bottlenecks

While eConsent has become a reality in the US, Europe is still lagging behind in its implementation. To protect patient rights without compromising on the full potential of clinical research, flexible and dynamic consent formats will be crucial in the future.

Investigator Initiated Trials (IIT)

Can they demonstrate scientific merits and align with corporate objectives? Often initiated by researchers or investigators as a part of an observation, an Investigator Initiated Trial (IIT) or Investigator Sponsored Trial is one of the kind of clinical trials that take up specific questions from clinical care, such as therapy optimization or off-label use, and are usually of no economic interest.

Vom Aussterben bedroht – gefährdet der Brexit klinische Prüfungen in UK?

Aktuell laufen ca. 1.500 klinische Studien in verschiedenen EU Mitgliedsstaaten, deren Sponsoren ihren Sitz in UK haben. Schätzungen zu Folge werden 50 % dieser Studien auch nach dem Austritt Großbritanniens aus der Europäischen Union (BREXIT) am 30. März 2019 weiterlaufen. In diesem Zusammenhang stellt sich unweigerlich die Frage: Wie geht es mit den klinischen Prüfungen und der Zusammenarbeit mit UK nach dem Brexit weiter?

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